Petition for Unified Disscourse on the Independence of Kurdistan

"I sign this petition for discursive unity in Kurdistan. You too, sign it."

Fellow Kurdish Citizens,

In this critical juncture of history, brimming with transformative signals, we are witnessing changes in the political map and geopolitical relations of the Middle East that will undoubtedly have a fundamental and direct impact on Kurdistan's political future. These circumstances confront the Kurdish nation across all four parts of Kurdistan and the diaspora with profound and decisive questions. One positive aspect of this historical moment is the increasing resonance of the Kurdish voice in media and virtual spaces, urging unity—a historical necessity for Kurdish parties. However, an issue less discussed is the fragmentation of Kurdish discourse, which we, the Kurds, grapple with in this sensitive time. The key question remains: based on which national strategy and within what framework of discourse can we gather to emerge from a century of atrocities and annihilation? How can we secure a political and dignified identity for Kurdistan through active agency in this new global order? It is for this reason that I sign this petition—to be a voice for discursive unity, which, from my perspective as a Kurd, possesses two decisive features:

1. Acknowledging Kurdistan as a Colonized Land

As a Kurd who signs this petition, I firmly believe that Kurdistan, viewed as a political and geographical unit (while considering the unique characteristics of its four parts), is governed by colonial systems imposed by dominant states—Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. These systems have historically, politically, economically, culturally, and linguistically subjected Kurdistan to colonial exploitation. Within these colonial systems, I, as a Kurd, am deprived of the right to express my basic demands in public, urban, or rural domains through legal institutions. For example: In Iraq, despite explicit legal rights enshrined in the constitution for Kurds, the Arab central government, in collaboration with Iranian-aligned forces like the Popular Mobilization Forces, has consistently weakened the Kurdistan Region and used its oppressive legal institutions to marginalize Kurds. In Syria, decades of systematic genocide and suppression have shown no promising horizon for Kurds, even after Assad's fall. In Iran and Turkey, the Kurdish identity is at best reduced to folkloric elements—elements that are often under attack. In addition to daily violence, these colonial states employ mechanisms such as demographic engineering and assimilation policies. Through soft power, they continue to undermine the Kurdish language and culture, advancing anti-linguistic and anti-cultural agendas in Kurdistan. By signing this petition, I assert: Kurdistan is a nation, a history, and an identity. Kurdistan is a land colonized by four occupying states.

2. Recognizing Political Sovereignty as the Only Path to Liberation

I have often asked myself: Why, despite decades of persistent struggle, the sacrifices of thousands of Kurdish martyrs, the displacement of hundreds of thousands of families, numerous national movements, and the relentless efforts of political and civil activists, have we, as Kurds, failed to achieve even basic political, civil, and cultural rights? Why do we remain trapped in this vicious cycle of history? The question I pose to myself is: What is the solution? How can I, as a Kurd, break free from this colonial bondage and live freely? By signing this petition, I declare to my compatriots, in simple terms and without academic or intellectual jargon: The cornerstone of the discourse of liberation and freedom for Kurdistan lies in achieving political sovereignty. This sovereignty, born out of an arduous and irreversible process, can only be realized by establishing the state of Kurdistan.

Dear Citizen, If you are concerned that signing this petition may lead to problems with the authorities, you are welcome to use a pseudonym. There is no need to send an email.

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